More and more singles prefer personal dating agencies to online portals. The advantages are obvious: less time, less risk, more success.
At the dating agency freie, the trend has been recognized for some time: “Many of our customers have already tried out online services before they end up with us,” explains Kathrin Grüneis. In the beginning, the online search is exciting, but soon many people are just annoyed. “Anyone can tell you anything on the internet. You often invest a lot of time only to find out afterwards that at most half of what the other person has told you is true.” One customer put it in a nutshell: “Online dating is a real time waster.”
Those who want to avoid experiments are increasingly choosing the direct route via a personal dating agency. “We don’t use fake profile pictures because we get to know all candidates personally,” emphasizes Kathrin Grüneis.
A feel for people, a professional psychological background and targeted questioning are the basis for the profile that the matchmakers at create. The information will of course be treated discreetly.
The time factor is not insignificant, especially for business people, says Kathrin Grüneis. “That sounds unromantic at first,” she continues, “but people who are very busy at work and therefore have to manage their time efficiently also have clear goals when looking for a partner.” That’s why people with a high level of professional responsibility welcome the fact that a careful pre-selection is made at
On average, customers date around four potential partners before they find a match. “Love at first sight is of course a stroke of luck – but that happens all the time,” says Kathrin Grüneis. Nevertheless, there are customers who don’t fit into her portfolio: “If you’re looking for a quick adventure, you’ve come to the wrong place. But there are enough offers for that anyway.”