When you find the right match, it’s just perfect!
More and more people are placing their search for a partner in professional hands: Ariane (40) and Alexandra (49) are satisfied customers of the dating agency Freieherzen.ch.
Personal matchmaking: The path to love
Finding true love is not just a matter of luck, says Kathrin Grüneis. She should know. Because finding a partner is a matter close to her heart.
New website for freieherzen.ch
Not only does the new website of Zurich dating agency freieherzen.ch look snappy, it also caters more to the needs of users. “We are delighted with our new website,” reports Kathrin Grüneis.
Free Hearts” dating agency
Do they still exist, the classic dating agencies where singles ring the doorbell with a pounding heart and then sit opposite their advisor in a 1:1 conversation in the hope that the butterflies in their stomach will soon be able to dance the samba or, depending on their taste, the waltz?
The free hearts get reinforcements
(machine translated) The dating agency freieherzen.ch is starting spring with a new member of staff – just at the right time, because when spring arrives, things get busy at the agency. Gabriela Berglas is Swiss, British and Australian – all at the same time. The triple citizen has her roots in Zurich, but her heart […]
Kathrin Grüneis: “I want to feel passion”
(machine translated) A lot of singles contact Kathrin Grüneis, especially after the New Year. She has specialized in personal matchmaking with her company freieherzen.ch. The trade newspaper visited her in her bright office in the heart of Zurich. And if you want to dress up for your first date, the Volketswil beauty and lifestyle specialists […]
“And we’re getting married in the fall”
“Autumn is harvest time – apparently it’s the same for partners,” jokes Kathrin Grüneis. The managing director of freieherzen.ch is always delighted when people find each other through her mediation and become couples. According to Kathrin Grünes, this is the time of year when most wedding announcements flutter across the table or cards with the […]
Couples need freedom
The dating agency tries to match singles – with varying degrees of success Dating agencies advertise that they can help customers find their ideal partner. If things don’t work out after all, it can be stressful, says mediator Kathrin Grüneis. There are over 500 dating internet portals in Switzerland. Do we still need you? Yes. […]
Online dating is a time waster
More and more singles prefer personal dating agencies to online portals. The advantages are obvious: less time, less risk, more success.
Spring fever for Freie Herzen
The dating agency freieherzen.ch is currently very busy. With the first primroses and crocuses, people’s spring fever also blossoms. At the dating agency freieherzen.ch, the phones will be ringing off the hook.